Save the Date:

Family Fun Day – Sunday 8th September 2024

Fireworks Night – Thursday 7th November 2024 6-8pm

South Lawn Christmas Fair – Saturday 30th November 2024, 10-4pm

To book your tickets for our events visit Friends of Holmewood

School Projects as a result of the generosity of parents and the many events attended, since June 2020, the Friends of Holmewood has been able to invest over £15K in equipment for the school, which could not be provided through the normal school budget.

Funding rounds take place, where the staff are able to put proposals forward for funding. The aim is always invest where we can add value to the lives of the children throughout the school – ranging from educational tools, through activities/clubs, to play and pure fun for the children.

Pre-Prep education enrichment

  • Deep root planters to learn how plants grow from seeds/bulbs
  • Digital cameras for staff to make a visual record of children’s activities
  • Visualiser tools to show text, images and objects in large scale
  • Library funding, including a bi-lingual element

Prep School education enrichment

  • Digital cameras for the Junior school pupil led projects
  • Visualiser tools to create a wow-factor in classes
  • A 3D scanner and printer for Art and DT
  • MP3 recorders
  • Forte portable laptops and TWINKL membership for Learning Support Activity/Club equipment

Activity / Club equipment

  • School apiary and honey production, enjoyed throughout the school (our bee keeper also visits local primary schools with the observation hive)
  • Climbing equipment
  • Discoverers/Adventurers safety fence
  • Puzzle Club – roll up puzzle mats
  • Cookery Activity – mechanical weighing scales
  • Eco Warriors/Nature Detectives equipment Play and Fun

Play and Fun

  • Nursery play equipment including an outdoor tunnel, construction blocks, role play and messy mud kitchens
  • Games and play equipment for the Pre-Prep and Prep school
  • Easter trail – a trail is laid out for teams to search for clues and win a prize, for both Pre-Prep and Prep school children
  • Summer beach party and Queen’s Jubilee party for Pre-Prep
  • Species labels for our beautiful trees


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Complete this form and our registrar will be in contact to arrange a private tour or invite you to an open morning.