HOY & Tutor System

At Holmewood House School, the form teacher (up to Year 5) is your and your child’s primary point of contact. In Years 3 and 4, form teachers handle most subjects, while specialist teachers cover Games, PE, art, music, drama, and French. Year 5 students have a form teacher but also move around the school for lessons taught by subject specialists.

From Year 5 onwards, each child has both a form teacher and a tutor who is their go-to person for all academic, social, and emotional matters. They meet with their tutor fortnightly to discuss any worries and celebrate successes.

Heads of Year provide an additional layer of pastoral care, overseeing all the academic and pastoral needs of the pupils in their year. Additionally, Heads of Department collaborate with pupils to shape their respective areas. Pupil voice interviews are conducted biannually to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with the students’ needs.

This structured support system ensures that every child at Holmewood House receives the personalised attention and care they need to thrive.

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