Year 5 11.10.24


Year 5 & 6 pupils had a go at writing acrostic poems in Geography for World Poetry Day.  They did a great job.  Here are some for you to enjoy! Katie Seecharan

Fynn 5PP

Going to find new places
Ecosystems throughout the world
Oh the countries you will go
Great places to go around the world
Right way, wrong way, which one will you pick?
All in the great big world
Protect the earth from greenhouse gases
High and low you will go
You can go anywhere

Alice 5PP
Go sailing around the world finding new places
Eco friendly places of course!
Oh no, where have you gone?
Georgia, you went, how cool, go and explore another place
Remi – really you went there
Parrots souring everywhere
Horrible places beware!
You went around the world, your life is amazing, follow your heart.

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