Inspection Reports

From the Head on the Inspection Report:

I am delighted to be able to provide you with the links to our Independent Schools Inspection Reports on Educational Quality (EQ) and Focused Compliance (FC).

This inspection framework was piloted nationally during the Autumn term 2016 and was formally introduced in January 2017, making Holmewood one of the very first schools to be inspected against the new framework.

As you will see when you read the EQI report, the inspectors judged the school on the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements  and on the quality of the pupils’ personal development, so I am immensely proud of the wonderful conclusions reached by the inspection team, who have given the school the highest grading available to them: Excellent in both areas.

Within the body of the report more qualitative judgements are made which contributed towards the overall gradings of Excellent.

The FC inspection reports on the school’s compliance against well over 300 regulatory requirements relating,  amongst other matters, to boarding, safeguarding, safer recruitment and pupil welfare. We are fully compliant against all these requirements.

As with all EQI reports, no matter how excellent, the Inspection team is required to make recommendations as to how the school can improve the pupils’ outcomes still further and in our case the only recommendation is:

To extend opportunities for pupils of all  ages to develop independence, initiative and collaborative learning in lessons and activities.  This is an area in which the school has been making progress, as referred to in the report, in relation to the work being carried out in the  Enriched Common Entrance Humanities programme, which attracts praise from the inspectors in this regard. We will work to extend these opportunities as per the recommendation.

I am most grateful to the wonderful team at Holmewood, (teaching, admin and support) all of whom have contributed towards these excellent outcomes. I must, however, single out the children for a special mention; it was they who were inspected as much as the adults and the systems, and, as we knew they would, they shone!

It is as we have always believed; the children at Holmewood achieve a variety and plethora of excellent outcomes and they develop in such wonderful ways. Extraordinary lives truly do begin at Holmewood.

We would love to hear from you and invite you to contact us for any queries you may have. You can reach us on 01892 860000, via email at or by filling out this contact form to request a callback.

“Pupils of all ages and abilities, including those with SEND or EAL and the most able, make excellent progress across all areas of school life.” ISI INSPECTION REPORT FEBRUARY 2017
“PupiIs’ skills, knowledge and understanding are developed to an excellent and sometimes exceptional level. The pupils are confident and engaged learners who respond with enthusiasm to the teachers’ high level of expertise, which enables them to develop their skills to an advanced level and those with a particular talent to excel.” ISI INSPECTION REPORT FEBRUARY 2017
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