We are welcoming a fast growing number of parents from London who have chosen to move to Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas. Whilst for some this has been possible, we are acutely aware that it will not be possible for all, despite a desire to have their children educated outside the capital. The key reasons for choosing to do so are:
- Access to an outstanding education in preparation for the country’s best senior schools
- Space in a beautiful school setting in which children can play and enjoy their childhood
- Saving on time spent in commutes to schools and recreational facilities
- Quality time with their children at the weekends
- To provide a purposeful, positive education in a less pressured environment
With all of this in mind, we are delighted to offer a solution to families who would like this for their children yet may wish or need to remain in London. Our Chaperone Service offers supervised train travel between London to Tunbridge Wells, with your child enjoying weekly boarding at Holmewood (Sunday – Thursday evenings). This solution will allow your child to enjoy all of the benefits of a high performing country boarding prep school with an excellent reputation for securing places at top senior schools nationwide.