The School Day

Shape of the Day

7.30 Breakfast Club (for those requiring an earlier drop off there will be a small additional charge)
8.00 Children arrive in the classrooms
8.30 Registration
8.40 Assembly / Activity
9.00 Lessons begin
10.30 Morning break
11.00 Lessons begin
11.40 / 12.20 / 12.50 Lunch for EYFS / Year 1 / Year 2
1.00 / 1.30 / 2.00 Lessons begin for EYFS / Year 1 / Year 2
3.15 / 3.25 / 3.30 / 3.35 Check out for Nursery / Reception / Year 1 / Year 2
3.15 – 5.00 Owls – Wraparound provision for Pre-Prep (at a small additional charge)

There are a number of after school Clubs & Activities available for our Pre-Prep children from dance classes, to chess, gymnastics, football and more. For more information about these, please e-mail

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Arrange a visit

Complete this form and our registrar will be in contact to arrange a private tour or invite you to an open morning.